Posted on September 13, 2017 in continuing aka Just Going, filling space, how it might happen, layers, questions, the real journal project- loose pages, through, transformation, what- if -wednesday, Wings of Vision | Permalink | Comments (22)
Posted on September 12, 2017 in Becoming more or less, clarity (now known as blur-ity), Cloth is like self, flow, handwriting, in between, less, self discovery, through, transformation, wings, Wings of Vision | Permalink | Comments (39)
Reconsidering Wings, Reach.
I step back for a moment. 2013. Spirit Cloth Diaries.
Here I was diagramming thought. And delving into Butterfly Self. The Basket self holds many selves.
I am revisiting them. Basket Self evolved to hold them. These often times Loose Selves. To create a safe place for them to get to know each other. To reassure each other. To hide. Become. To prepare for more Small Journeys.
I've included the audio that accompanied this moment.
Because these things belong together.
The Diary Series. There were several. They have not been released as part of Feel Free. They were very personal and expansive in terms of Considering. As I go back, I am aware of the deep content there. Much of the technique and design evolution there can be indexed. Useful to my efforts to expand my open teaching project. But I look at the units as a whole. How wonderful it is to have them like that. To revisit days as they went. Mostly though, so many ideas that might be expanded upon. We are limitless.
I have a big job in front of me. To contain all of this in a useful way.
I think there are 2 main categories. One being Technique. The other being Creative Thought, Design.
How might they feed each other? How might I be able We be able to encourage that?
I've made a some notes to self this morning. About reach. How I envision that. How big it can become. But how keeping things within reach is also part of making things useful. Considering all of this before getting too far and having regrets. Knowing the limits of effectiveness. Thank you all for your patience through this process. I have to take my time.
I will not release the Diaries as a unit for free. I will offer them up against donations, all in good time.
As usual, I am REconsidering many things. I have one question now. If you have donated already to this effort, and would like to be on the Feel Free Community listing... might you send me a note by email? With your name (or how you want to be listed), a note ( anything, even a bit about your self or thoughts, feedback) if you want to publicly say something, and a link to whatever online presence you might want to make known, if you have one. Thank you.
This project has taken on new meaning in these sad days of small thinking and self serving endeavor.
Here's to Education without Borders.
Posted on January 29, 2017 in Basket Diaries, Becoming more or less, considering/reconsidering, design mending, doodles and drawings (joodlehill), dream/thought catching, Feel Free, how it might happen, Imagine, notes to self, questions, Spirit Cloth Diaries, transformation, usefulness, vibrating outward, wings, Wings of Vision | Permalink | Comments (24)
B is for Basket.
Basket is Big in my personal universe. Basket is me. The symbol for me. To me. Basket Self. Self as a woven vessel. Built from the center.
I am back to the index for FEEL FREE. I'll have a lot of questions for you. Your answers will help me move forward.
B is also for Butterfly. Which is often filed under W for Wings. I think it can be both.
Last night I had a pen in my hand. You never know what will happen if there is no paper nearby. I am often asked if I am afraid of ruining a piece when I draw directly on it with no plan. No. Why? Because.
I remember that not being a good enough answer. Teachers saying that. Because? That's not an answer. Because what?
B is also for Because. Because. It's still good enough. It is how it might happen. Just going.
Is Because good enough for you? Or do you worry about it more?
???? ( to make 9).
Posted on January 28, 2017 in Basket Diaries, continuing aka Just Going, design mending, Feel Free, how it might happen, nine lives patch, questions, symbols, wings, Wings of Vision | Permalink | Comments (49)
Posted on November 15, 2013 in dream/thought catching, HOME, Magic feather cloth 1, quilt stories, rings of vision, space, sympathetic (sempathetic) evolution, the magic feather project, transformation, winged, Wings of Vision | Permalink | Comments (16)
Still in process. Suspended. Renamed. Has it been a year already?
And now I see a basket opportunity. A basket that might hold/ keep itself.
Posted on October 13, 2013 in Basket Diaries, Cloth is like self, how it might happen, keepers, naming things, remembering, self portrait, Wings of Vision | Permalink | Comments (14)
I am focused on one corner of this piece... a place where tradition has collided with some outside force. A newness. It is a meeting place that helps define both parts in terms of change, redefinition. I think about this a lot. How things seem to collide yet actually move though one another. Occupying the same space. It has occurred to me lately that redefinition might be a lot less about identifying difference and a lot more about recognizing and absorbing the consciousness of oneness.
I am on my way back home.
Posted on May 13, 2013 in balance, Cloth is like self, crossover, hybrid, meeting points, One-ness, place, redefinition, rings of vision, seeing through things, self discovery, space, through, transformation, Wings of Vision | Permalink | Comments (28)
This post follows the making of a special story cloth. You can read more about the Magic Feather Project by clicking the tab in the top menu bar. Or by using the category for HOME , the link to the making of this cloth, in the sidebar or under the post.
There is truly significance for me, for this project, in the bringing of all these pieces together. The challenge of making one piece, one peace, from the diversity in approach, highlighting the One-ness in intention. And so blending is my focus. But still honoring the individual creativity of the maker.
This video was made during Spirit Cloth Diaries, when I was planning the wings and the blending process....
There is such a journey ahead of me still. UN-stitching the edges, reweaving them into a web with a bit of my own techniques touching them all. And another layer of feathers to add in between things. Weaving them in as well I think, where I can. There are still so many feathers here.
I once imagined, that all these little feathers, might fly in and touch one another in some special way, with my help. And through some sort of sympathetic evolution, would transform into some new vision that might change the way we see one another. Create a new sense of Home for those among us that need shelter from the storm.
I am sorry that many folks are having problems commenting. It is a Typepad issue and I cannot fix it. Maybe just an opportunity for some quiet time :-)
Posted on April 19, 2013 in Cloth is like a world, components aka loose patches, design mending, edges, feathers, gift giving, HOME, identity, large cloth, Magic feather cloth 1, meeting points, One-ness, problem solving, quilt stories, sympathetic (sempathetic) evolution, tell the children the truth, the magic feather project, transformation, weaving, Wings of Vision | Permalink | Comments (20)
Posted on April 16, 2013 in color, design planning, HOME, large cloth, looking, Magic feather cloth 1, placekeeping, quilt stories, rings of vision, scale, seeing through things, space, spectrum-rainbow revisited, the magic feather project, through, wings, Wings of Vision | Permalink | Comments (53)
So I did work a bit on this cloth in the background, sharing some of the progress over at Spirit Cloth Diaries.... I wanted to share a post here with those who were not in that class, and now that I am dedicating this place to the first Magic Feather Cloth I am calling HOME. (there is a category for it here if you want to look back further). I am planning to put all this fragmented documentary together in a format from start to finish, but things got a bit jumbled up over this long hard winter.
So just to look back....
In October, ( right about when i posted here) I put it up on the wall. And I did a bit of talking...
alternative link to the audio above if you see no player
another alternative audio only format
And then a little bit more.
As mentioned in the video.... that night, I stitched some thread beads. To define the rotation of dark and light in the big X. I will be adding a lot of these as a filler. Even more than I did on the Magic Cloth. When I lifted the heart, in the lamplight, the beaded wings, again amazed me.
Because of the tactile quality, I think some sort of "braille" butterflies will be great in some of the open space.
Posted on April 13, 2013 in Cloth is like self, filling space, form, gift giving, HOME, light and dark, Magic feather cloth 1, natural order, quilt stories, sympathetic (sempathetic) evolution, tell the children the truth, the magic feather project, wings, Wings of Vision | Permalink | Comments (25)
If the path before you is clear,
you are probably on
someone else's.
-Carl Jung