yay! i'm back.! what if the lines of a crazy quilt can be considered some kind of skewed grid? i thought i could emphasize this by laying a crazy grid over a regular one (playing with the ideas behind patchwork seams but not using seams)... and then i asked what if i cut reverse applique dots out over the intersections of the bottom grid to isolate one grid element (and expand on the idea of the dot as a point of intersection)? the center block is 7" square and the crazy grid was drawn with laundry marker and stitched (using this method) to a sheer yarn dyed window pane cotton.
dots were cut and turned, all stitched to a muslin backing using white embroidery floss in a combo of back stitch and running stitch following the gridded second layer which faintly showed through the top and served as a stitching guide. whew.