.....today i want to say more about CQR. the group has produced many wonderful pieces that to me represent small journeys on a personal level. perhaps i should clarify my objective here.....
my reasons for starting this challenge was to demonstrate a thought catching and questioning process. i picked Crazy Quilting for several reasons.
1. it is a form of quilting which is my focus
2. its roots are in recycling and personal expression which is close to my heart
3.it has a recognizable style which seems to have a large following
4. the style included repeated techniques
5. i knew it would create a stir
...i was curious and asking myself about style. i think of style as a culmination of technique and ideas over time. hopefully it evolves as a personal symbol of achievement and a method of communication. but i thought to myself, what if style is also a stopping point? is it a place where we collectively rest and forget to go forward? a path to over and over? so i put myself out on a limb with that question. and then i asked what if just the techniques and the materials change? What does it become and where does it lead? Crazy Quilting as it is has nothing to do with this question except i used it to make a point. a jumping off point. an exercise in questioning. I am thinking that eventually it will turn into AQ. Alternative Quilting. jumping off from anywhere.
I am just getting back to the internet after technical problems. I am very excited with the group's work and its atmosphere for sharing ideas.
i have chosen today to feature Karen's new block, because she has no blog and besides being exquisite, it illustrates very well what i was thinking. and the photo presentation just says to me what if we see with new eyes? a beautiful block, thank you Karen.
I have set up a photo album and will start loading in pics from those who have no blogs first, so you can see the work that is being done.i finally have some time to review all that has been done.