thanks to all the CQR participants. forgive me for not responding regularly and
getting all the photos posted, especially those who have no blogs. you might be thinking "what if she gets organized? my
internet has not been kind to me lately, i just cannot stay online with
any consistency so i am very backed up. i will be making some changes over the weekend to
help me cope better with this flood of creativity.
...just had to smile when i saw this one in our flickr group this morning. reminding me of this:
And what is life? A crazy quilt;
Sorrow and joy, and grace and guilt,
With here and there a square of blue
For some old happiness we knew;
And so the hand of time will take
The fragments of our lives and make,
Out of life's remnants, as they fall,
A thing of beauty, after all.
part of a poem by Douglas Malloch
(today's feature photo by Jeana ) because she asked....What if my 3 yr old joins in the fun?
What if I give her a foundation, glue (a small amount this time!) and a pile of scraps, ink and a stamp?
What if I don't stop her from using the ink pad as the stamp?
What if I do stop her from gluing it to the wall?
What if I do stop my 1 yr old from eating the ink?
E REALLY enjoyed this - I am so glad I let her do it instead of
worrying about the mess. I hope to add this 'what if' philosophy to my
daily life more!